Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a small glimps

Sometimes. when a huge project is due [say an HTML website] i am forced to lock myself in the computer lab for days/weeks at a time.

This week has been one of those weeks.

So you maybe wondering... what is it like to sit at a computer all day everyday?...

This is what it is like:

The good news is:
I dont think i will have to pull an all nighter tonight!
now back to work...

1 comment:

. said...

the beauty of being an art major is the many all nighters you have to take to get things done.
I wish i was you though. because then i would be near to done with school.

Instead ive been trying to get into computer and arts forever and feel like it wont ever happen. ughh. miss you and still havent seen you. what is our problem??? :/ ha