Thursday, September 17, 2009


Broken Car = Public Transportation
As a result of the flat that was unfixable.. I am now a regular on the Bus.

Yesterdays times:
Arrive at bus stop: 4:10
Get on bus: 4:22
Arrive at transit center: 4:34
Next bus leaves: 5:00
Arrive at home: 5:07

Todays time:
Arrive at bus stop: 11:05
Get on bus: 11:17
Arrive at transit center: 11:27
Next bus leaves: 11:30
Arrive on campus: 11:39


marinda said...

Aw, Sar!! Welcome to the ranks of public transportation! You'll learn to love it. You'll even get to know the bus drivers. And sometimes you even get to chase after the bus if you're late. It's a good time. Really! :)

*ALi* said...

Lol, I also frequent public trans although I'm in SLC. It's a love/hate relationship. You learn a lot about humanity.