Tuesday, February 9, 2010

FB flirting?

So, I am at work. Bored out of my mind.

I have a great job where really I can pick and choose when I come in and when I leave. I work in the TSC, and park my car in the Blue lot right next to the student center. This particular lot has a 2 hour parking limit before you have to start paying to get out. I really didn't feel like coming to work today, or doing any homework, but I knew that I really needed to get some stuff done. So I parked my car and the 2 hour time limit came up (which is usually when i go outside leave the parking lot and come back in) Today however I knew that i needed to stay and I don't have any cash to pay to get out, so i stayed over my time limit as to force myself to keep working until 9:30 when the gate opens and I can get out for free. (as you can see im working hard)

I was just sitting here conceptualizing about my project I'm about to start on, when this facebook chat popped up..... (I blurred it to spare this particular boys feelings, in case anyone knows him.) He added me as a friend a couple weeks ago, and he looked familiar, so i accepted his facebook friendship request. Turns out i was wrong... I dont know him.
ok, I know that it was a lie when I said I cant chat at work, I really just didn't want to talk to him right then.

As i am sitting here thinking about this, its a little hard to really believe that this is what the world has come to. This would never and has never happened to me in real life. A complete stranger has never walked up to me on the street and said: "hey beautiful, care to chat?" and honestly, I dont think it ever will happen. But somehow, i have been hit on by complete strangers on myspace and facebook over and over. (Granted my picture is not even me right now.. its a celebrity, maybe they are blown away by ashlee simpsons beauty)

I just think that the internet or texting is not an excuse for boys to somehow become pansies. Ok, i get it, Rejection hurts. Boys have to deal with that more than girls usually, but seriously. I'm way more likely to like a guy that mans up and says "hey, wanna go on a date with me" rather than asking me if i want to hang out and then somehow turns it into a date by paying for me. Or having a friend ask me out for them (not just set up with–thats normal. but a guy i went out with actually asked the girl that set us up to ask me out on the second date). I know I cant speak for every girl when i say that if you ask a girl out she'll at least give you a first date.... but I think the majority of us will. So to the three boys that may be reading my blog, don't ever hit on a stranger over facebook. You look like a idiot, and chances are she's going to roll her eyes and go home and tell her roommates that some weird kid asked her out over facebook.


Marcus Morrison said...

sarah i read your blog.. i will no longer hit on women on facebook and i will stop having my friends ask out girls for me. thanks for the advice! ;)

*ALi* said...

O my! I totally hate the hang out that turns into a date. I never know how to act in those situations!
I love your blog. It's so fun to hear your stories.