Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing to Blog about.

Well, I havent written a post for the last week or so, because I haven't had anything amazing happen to me. But i feel like I need to document something...So here are a few Random things that have been on my mind lately.

#1: My birthday present from my parents:

I finally got a new Digital camera.
My other one was a piece.... So I'm so happy to have a better one!

#2: I love my major.

This is what my homework looks like. For the last couple hours I have spent my time flipping through magazine looking at trends and things that inspire me.

#3: Brazil

I leave in like 3 weeks. March 11th. I cant even wait. I still have like $500 to raise, but its coming in slowly but surely. I cant wait to go see everything. The falls, Curitiba, and Rio de jainero.

#4 Cake Decorating

What a fun hobbie I have picked up. I wish i could do it more and i had more time... but seriously, its SO fun. Disregard all the ugly colors on my cake. They are terrible. Im just learning ok!?

1 comment:

marinda said...

When you said nothing amazing has happened to obviously lied! All those things you just posted about are amazing!! Especially the cake decorating. Amazing AND amazing tasting. Just sayin. :)