Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Im Baaaack.....

Monday night, i drove back to Logan. I left Kaysville at 11:00 and the freeway and canyon seemed more empty than usual. It was a weird feeling. I spent the whole month at home and it got the point where it felt like that was life for me. That the last 3.5 years of my life was all a dream and I woke up and was still living at home, hanging with my high school friends, and the drive to logan was just a trip I was making. That I wasn't driving back to the life that I actually have... in Logan. I've always loved coming back to Logan... but this time I was impartial. I wasn't super excited or dreading it. But then when i got here, i remembered all the great things that love about this place... and so, I am back.....

... back to my huge closet full of tons of clothes, and a roommates closet to share (+) (I only took home like 6 or 7 shirts and i just wore those ones over and over... i know what boys feel like now. It gets to a point where you just stop caring what you put on because you wore or like 4 or 5 days before that and so you just throw something on)

... back to my tall bed and my lamp. (I dont have one of those in Kaysville, i just push a button on my phone, turn of the bedroom light and run to the bed trying to get there before the little light from my phone goes off and hoping i don't step on anything that could possibly break. )

... back to my tub that has jets in it, and only enough hot water for one person to shower.

... back to waking up to the sound of someone else showering and knowing that i am not going to get one that day if i want to be on time for school.

... back to an icey drive way and shuffling our cars around at night so that we are all in the garage/driveway so no one gets a ticket for being parked on the street.

... back to a gym packed with people my own age and not senior citizens. (give it a month or so and it will not be so packed, everyone just made the resolution to get in shape)

... back to finding parking on campus. what a hastle.

... back to the cold weather, for some reason i forgot about it...and just wore a sweater to class yeasterday. what was i thinking.

... back to funny times in the office with the designers and allie.

these are the people I work with. Allie, MacKay, me and Kara

... back to taco tuesdays. $1.50 for a cafe rio taco?! thats unheard of.

... back to my amazing roommates, who i missed ridiculous amounts over the break.

... back to worrying about my future and what i am going to do with myself in 4 months.

... back to life as i've known it for the last three and a half years of my life.

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