Monday, May 24, 2010

Driving with your feet up.

Are you ever alone and see something that makes you laugh out loud and wish that there was someone with you so you could laugh together instead of looking like a crazy person laughing at herself? That happened to me today. I was driving home from a matinee movie in ogden when I drove past a guy that was driving with his foot on the dashboard. I mean I usually pull my left foot up on my seat when I drive, but usually people drive with their right foot, and that was the foot he had up on the dash. So first I pulled out my phone waited for him to pass me again and snapped this quick photo to share with all yall...... then I tried to drive with my right foot up on the dashboard, not that easy... and not that comfortable.

Yup.. that's his foot, wrapped in a green business sock, just hanging out on the dash.

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